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Started by Mark Stevens, Jul 24, 2024, 06:52 AM

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Mark Stevens


Mark Stevens


The regulations and protocols of the Vice City Police Department are outlined in this dossier. All personnel are required to abide by these protocols when undertaking their official duties. The regulations in this document follow the principles of the rule of law and are drafted as a means of guidance through clearly established protocols, for the purposes of upholding the professional standards and reputation of the Vice City Police Department.

The integrity of the Vice City Police Department is determined by the actions and conduct of its personnel. These regulations are to be followed at all times by the officers working for this department, ensuring proper conduct while conducting their duties at all times. The community's perception of the Vice City Police Department is also determined by the actions and competence of our personnel in the field. These regulations put public trust at the front and centre of the operations of the VCPD.

These procedures are drafted as guidelines to promote discipline and efficiency in our service to the public. They are not intended to create a higher standard than those imposed by law. Further reference can be made to the VCPD's General Information, which outlines how an officer should present themselves, and relates directly to these regulations. Given it is impossible to outline every possible situation that may happen or to explain a specific method of action in any scenario, especially given the fluid and rapidly changing nature of the job and of any situation, all personnel are expected to exercise common sense and discretion in the field.

Ultimately, the regulations and general information are designed as a guide to consistently do right by the community, putting safety, legality, and ethics at the forefront of the job. This is a live document, subject to change, and evolves based on our community's needs.

While the Vice City Police Department is a law enforcement agency empowered to enforce the law, undertaking those duties is not possible without community support. It is imperative every officer represents the true image of this department when undertaking their duties. Integrity, impartiality, dedication and honour are the core values of the Vice City Police Department and the guiding principles for every officer. Protocol and tradition are the metal from which every cop in this city is forged. Departmental personnel are required to uphold these standards at all times, on and off duty, especially when interacting with fellow citizens. All federal, state, and local agencies and their respective personnel should also be treated with the same courtesy and respect.

Integrity: The culture of police integrity is essential in building mutual respect between the people and the Department. The Vice City Police Department is committed to ensuring that its officers operate within their legal authority and bounds, professionally and ethically, consistent with the law and the community's expectations of their police.

Impartiality: Police officers of the Vice City Police Department are expected, by rule and by law, to make decisions based on facts and objectivity, and to prevent subjective judgment from hindering their perspective.

Dedication: Dedication is a must in every representative of the Vice City Police Department. Officers are expected to display their commitment to serving the people at all times.

Honour: Officers must consider their role to protect the community as a great privilege of recognition, and to take honour and pride in their work.


- A:
AKA - Abbreviation for 'Also Known As'.

Aggravation - (offence; e.g. aggravated assault, aggravated battery): Any circumstance attending the commission of a crime which increases its guilt or enormity or adds to its injurious consequences, but which is above and beyond the essential constituents of the crime itself.

Arrest - To take a person into custody, by authority of law, for the purpose of charging him/her with an offence.

Arrest Warrant - A written order issued by a judge that directs a law enforcement officer to arrest a person and take them into custody pending trial.

Assault - An attempt or threat to inflict bodily injury upon another, along with the apparent ability to do so, which places the victim in fear of injury or bodily harm.

Affirmative - An acknowledgement; Understood or yes.

- B:
Backup - Officers assisting another officer or officers in their duties.

Battery - Battery is causing bodily harm to a person by any means, or making physical contact with a person of an insulting or provocative nature.

BOLO - "Be on the Lookout"; usually followed by a physical description of the subjects or persons of interest.

- C:
Citation (or Ticket) - A financial punishment given for traffic infractions or minor crimes that cannot reasonably result in imprisonment.

Confession - A person's admission of facts establishing guilt for a particular crime.

Command Staff - Refers to any officer holding the rank of Lieutenant or Captain.

Conspiracy - Agreement with another, or others, to commit a crime, and an act by any party to the agreement in furtherance of the agreement.

- D:
DUI - Abbreviation for 'Driving Under Influence', driving while intoxicated with alcohol, narcotics or other substance causing impairment.

Detective - An officer holding the rank of Detective.

- E:
Evidence - Oral statements, documents, sound and video recordings, DNA and other objects admissible in court. To be admissible, the evidence must be material (it must go to a substantial issue in the case) and relevant (it must go to the truth or falsity of a matter asserted).

- F:
Frisk - A limited protective search for concealed weapons and/or dangerous instruments. Frisk searches usually occur during a felony stop or arrest and consist of a pat down of the individual's clothing and a search of the waistband to determine the presence of weapons or other dangerous instruments. An officer may frisk a person based on "reasonable suspicion" that the person is carrying a concealed weapon or dangerous instrument.

Firearm - Any weapon that fires a projectile.

- I:
Infraction - An infraction is any crime punishable through citation.

Insubordination - Willfully disobeying a direct order from a superior officer.

Interrogation - Refers to the process of acquiring information to condemn, or cancel a suspect's with/from his or her charge or charges. On a daily basis, an investigation refers to the act of processing a suspect's protest against his charges based on circumstances he or she believes made it unlawful.

- L:
LEO - Abbreviation for 'Law Enforcement Officer', refers to any federal or state official authorized to enforce U.S. or state law.

- M:
Miranda Rights - The rights that any person under arrest is entitled to.
Murder - The unlawful killing of a person.
Manslaughter - The unintentional killing of a person.

- R:
Radio - Refers to the portable and vehicle radio used to transmit over law enforcement and emergency frequencies.
Read and Understood - A legal confirmation that an employee has acknowledged a certain document.

- S:
Supervisor - Refers to any officer holding the ranks of Sergeant.
Sidearm - Refers to the mandatory handgun in possession of all police officers.
Standard Issue - Refers to all standard equipment issued to all police officers, including weaponry, ammunition, bodycams, tools and other gear.

- U:
Upper Command Staff - Refers to any officer holding the rank of Chief of Police, Deputy Chief of Police, Assistant Chief of Police, Major or Commander.

- W
Warbag - Duffel bag containing police equipment such as a Halligan bar, flares, spike strips, tear gas, pepper spray, smoke grenades and other respective police equipment.


APB - All-Points Bulletin.
ALS - Advanced Life Support.
ASAP - As Soon as Possible.
BLS - Basic Life Support.
BOLO - Be On The Look Out.
DUI - Driving Under Influence.
EMS - Emergency Medical Services.
FTO - Field Training Officer.
FTP - Field Training Patrol.
FD - Fire Department.
GSW - Gun Shot Wound.
ILS - Intermediate Life Support.
LEO - Law Enforcement Officer.
MDC - Mobile Data Computer.
MVA - Motor Vehicle Accident.
PIT - Pursuit Intervention Technique.
SitRep - Situation Report.